To ensure greater quality and improve efficiency and inclusiveness, we have introduced a new module - Analytics to increase the customer experience in LittleLives!
To view the Analytics Dashboard, please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Click onto the "Analytics" tab on your web page.
Step 2: Choose the HQ level or school level that you want to view: HQ level as "All school" or a specific center name.
Accordingly, there will be 4 dashboards in Analytics module: Enrolment, Customers, Finance, and Operation.
1. Enrolment
Capacity analysis across centres
The capacity analysis module tracks occupancy rates by comparing licensed capacity to enrolment numbers, allowing you to identify schools with low occupancy rates and take appropriate action to improve them.
Withdrawn analysis across centres (HQ)
The withdrawn analysis module tracks withdrawn cases over time, allowing you to better understand churn rates and identify peak withdrawal periods.
Pipeline Report across centres
The pipeline report module provides a comprehensive view of interests and waiting lists, allowing managers to forecast enrolment based on interests generated and take targeted actions to improve enrolment.
2. Customers
Parent log in rate across centres
The parent log in rate module tracks parent activity and engagement over time, allowing you to identify correlations between parent engagement and withdrawn rates, and develop strategies to increase engagement.
Number of concerns for all centres over time
The number of concerns tracks the number of concerns raised by parents across your preschools over time, allowing you to identify schools with the most concerns and about which topics.
Response rate of all centres over time
The response rate module tracks the average response rate of staff in each center to parent messages, allowing you to identify schools that take longer to respond to parents and investigate any underlying issues.
3. Finance
Annual Revenue to date overtime arcross schools
The Annual Revenue report module provides a comprehensive view of revenue across your preschools, allowing you to identify which schools have the highest revenue over time and investigate any underlying issues.
Outstanding amount across schools
The outstanding amount module allows managers to easily identify which schools have the highest outstanding amounts, and to forecast their cash flow based on aging reports.
4. Operation
Attendance rate cross schools over time
The attendance rate module tracks the attendance rate across your preschools over a period of time, allowing managers to identify schools with low attendance rates and investigate any underlying issues.
Number of incident across schools
The number of incidents module tracks the number of incidents across your preschools during a period of time, allowing managers to identify any patterns or trends and take appropriate action to improve the preschool environment.
Number of tagged media across schools
The number of tagged media module tracks how actively school staff updates parents about children's learning activities, allowing managers to identify any trends and correlations with enrolment and other factors.
Staff child ratio multiple schools at certain point of time
The staff child ratio module provides school managers with a view of the staff child ratio at different levels across their preschools, allowing them to compare ratios between schools and identify any resource allocation issues.
If the Analytics module was not enabled for your center or if you do not have access, the system will display the announcement below:
1. To turn on the feature, please contact LittleLives team. 2. If the feature was enabled for your center already, please check your account access: Data access for Analytics Dashboard