Start Small Dream Big

Start Small Dream Big was initiated by Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) to encourage pre-schools to create authentic platforms for children to innovate, problem-solve and tap on their unique strengths to help others.

Getting Started

Create an Account

1. For clients of LittleLives, simply use your existing account to log in.

2. For non-clients of LittleLives, reach out to to create one.

Note: Let us know your Centre's Name and Branch, Address, Staff's Name, Email Address and Role.

Profile Set Up

Logging In

Step 1: Head over to and click Sign In.
Step 2: Enter your login credentials that were sent to you in the welcome email.

Change your profile photo

Step 1: Click on your Profile icon and click Account
Step 2: To change your profile photo, click Update Profile Photo

Change Password

Step 1: Click on your Profile icon and click Account
Step 2: Click on Change Password

Update Organisation Details

For Administrators
Keep your organisation details updated on SSDB website.

Step 1: Head into Admin tab, 
Click on the small grey icon next to your organisation name

Step 3: Select Edit Organisation
Step 4: Update the mandatory fields
Name, Description, Principal, Logo, Banner Image, Country, Phone, Address and Postal Code
Step 5: Click Save to capture the changes

Create Staff Accounts

For Administrators
Create additional staff account easily if required.

Step 1: Head into Admin tab
Step 2: Click on Add Staff
Step 3: Choose the role Administrator/Teacher
Step 4: Key in Staff's Name, Email Address and Start Date

Administrator - Create stories and approve stories by other teachers for publishing.

Teacher - Create stories and submit for approval

LittleStories App

Download the App
Search and download LittleStories from App Store or Google Play Store for your iOs/Android device respectively. LittleStories is accessible via app only.

Logging In

Step 1: Click on the door icon at the top right hand corner

Step 2: Key in your login credentials and click Log In to enter

Home Page

Over at the Home Page, you are able to see amazing stories created by other participating schools.

Create Your Story

Step 1: Click on the 
notepad icon to start composing
Step 2: Give your story a concise and catchy title!

Step 3: Write up your content
Step 4: Insert photos or videos to add visuals and colours to your story

Step 5: [Optional] Need to delete the photo/video? Tap on the media and click "X"

Step 6: Once done, click Next to preview your story

Step 7: [Optional] Looks good? Click Add Tags

Submit For Approval

Step 1: Click Submit and you will see a pop up message to remind you get your story approved!

Step 2: Click x to exit from the pop up box

If you are a Teacher, reach out to your Principal or School Administrator to approve your submission.

If you are an Administrator, you will see a red badge notification to prompt you to head over to "For Your Approval" page.

Approving Stories

Step 1: Click on the list icon and click on For Your Approval

Step 2: Select the story / stories (if you have more than one)

Step 3: Click Reject / Approve


Step 1: If the story is rejected, the staff who had created the story has to go to My Stories.
Step 2: Select the rejected story and click More > Edit to amend
Step 3: Once done, click Next and Submit button to submit the submission again for approval


The story will automatically be displayed at the Home Page

Sharing the Story via App

Step 1: Click into Story

Step 2: Click on the Share Icon and copy the link
Step 3: Send the link to Parents for them to view on the website

Start Small Dream Big Web Portal

Here over to the website here.

What is Start Small Dream Big?

View the list of participating schools


Select the Year and Click on the story to read more about it.
Share the link of the story to your Centre's Parents so they too can see your SSDB journey!

Recommended Guidelines for LittleStories

If you need further assistance or would like to provide any feedback,

feel free to reach out at