Before creating a Little Coin item, please kindly note that your school needs to enable this feature. 

If your school hasn't enabled this feature yet, you can reach out to LittleLives Support at to assist.

Step 1. Go to Finance > Fee items 

Step 2. Click onto Add Fee Item button

Step 3: Enter the fee item details 


Step 4a. For unlimited coin, the coin is valid for an unlimited number of sessions within the coin validity period.

Reminder Notifications (By Days) will be sent to Little Family Room app (Parent Portal) and showing the remaining coin in Fee tab. 

Step 4b. For limited coin, the coin is valid for a limited number of sessions within the coin validity period.

Reminder Notifications (By Coins) will be sent to Little Family Room app (Parent Portal) and showing the remaining coin in Fee tab. 

Step 5: Enter the effective date and item amount > Click Save