If you have any questions or uncertainties about the new student management system, please refer to the FAQ below:
1. What if the unborn child has been born during the waitlist period? Can parents edit the information to add the child's name?
Yes, parents can still edit the child's information if the unborn child has been born during the waitlist period.
They should contact the Center Administrators (CAs) to update the status from "Unborn" to "Born" and add the child's name to the application.
2. Can we delete the interest form?
We are unable to delete the interest, but you can update the interest status to 'Expired' or 'Declined'.
3. Can Centre Admin edit the born child's BC or DOB? child's
HQ cannot edit the child's BC number.
Center Admins are responsible for updating the interest status to "Expired" and requesting parents to resubmit if needed.
4. How to update interest to Waitlist status?
Only the Center Administrators (CAs) CAN update the Interest Form Status
5. Will I still need to access ECDA CMS and export the waitlist for infant/childcare services?
No, you do not need to:
- All interests, whether for Infant Care, Childcare, or Kindergarten, will be captured via the LittleLives interest form.
- Center Administrators (CAs) no longer need to access ECDA CMS to export the waitlist or compare current interests in LittleLives to the microsite and ECDA waitlist.
6. How can I be notified when new interest forms are submitted?
Centers will receive email notifications for each registration of any service.
7. In what situations is a Center Admin allowed to complete an interest form on behalf of a parent?
A common scenario is when the child's parents or guardians are not tech-savvy and may require assistance to register their interest.
This is especially common if grandparents are the main caregivers.
8. What occurs if parents decline a placement offer?
The interest status will be updated to "Declined Offer" and will be reflected in the "Uninterested list".
9. Can parents edit the interest information after submission?
Yes, parents can access the interest form through their acknowledgment email. They can update the following information: contact details, email address, postal code, and income.
10. What is the deadline for parents to respond to placement offers or re-confirm their spot on the waitlist?
Parents are required to respond within two weeks of receiving the email. If a parent does not respond within this timeframe, the interest will expire.
11. What is the deadline for parents to update their unborn child's date of birth (DOB) and name?
Parents will receive reminders to update their child's information at the following times related to the Expected Delivery Date:
- 1 month before the Expected Delivery Date
- On the Expected Delivery Date
- 1 month after the Expected Delivery Date
Parents can access the link provided in these emails to update their child's information.
12. A new interest has a BC number with a T-prefix, indicating that the child is categorized as a foreigner.
Center Admins (CAs) should validate whether the child is a foreigner or a Singapore citizen.
13. Can I correct the wrong Birth Certificate (BC) number or Date of Birth (DOB) entered by the parent on my end?
Center Admins (CAs) are unable to edit a child's BC number or DOB. Therefore, CAs should update the interest status as "Expired" and request that parents submit a new interest form with the correct information.
14. I have a vacancy available for an earlier month. How should I proceed before offering it to the parent?
After contacting the parent, the Center Admin can modify the Preferred Enrolment Month before changing the status to Offered.
15. Why are parents unable to enter the Birth Certificate (BC) number for their child?
The Birth Certificate (BC) field is only validated if the child is a Singapore citizen.
This validation does not apply to Foreign Identification Numbers (FIN) or to foreigners.
16. After two weeks, will parents be able to click on the “Accept the offer” button?
What information will be shown to the parents?
The offer is valid for 14 days from the day the status is updated to "Offered".
If the parent does not respond within 2 weeks, the interest will automatically be marked as "Expired".
The parent will no longer be able to click on the "Accept the offer" button, and no email will be triggered to the parent once the status changes to "Expired".
17. Will changing the preferred enrolment month for one childcare center affect the preferences for other centers if submitted separately?
No, changing the enrolment month for one center won't affect preferences for other centers submitted separately. Each submission is treated separately in the system.
18. When renewing interest for childcare centers, will all submitted interests be renewed simultaneously?
No, each interest is managed separately based on its submission date and center. Renewing interest only affects the specific center for which the interest is renewed.
19. If I update my postal code, contact number, or income information, will it change all my applications?
Yes, updates to postal code, contact number, or income information will apply to all applications submitted together in one form.
However, this doesn't apply to changing the preferred enrolment month, which can be updated separately for each application.
20. Do I need to update multiple applications if my Expected Due Date (EDD) or child's birth information changes?
Yes, if you update the EDD or child's birth information in one application form, these changes will affect all applications submitted together in that same form.
21. If a parent reaches the limit of 3 centers for a programme and declines a waitlist or offer for 1 or 2 centres, can they select more centers?
Yes, if a parent reaches the limit of 3 centers for a programme and declines a waitlist or offer for 1 or 2 centres, they can select additional centres as long as the total does not exceed 3 centres. For example, if they decline one centre for the IF programme, they can select 1 more centre for IF. They can also choose up to 3 centres for another programme like KN.
22. If a centre or parent declines the waitlist or offer, do they know the reason for the decline?
Yes, when the status is updated to decline a waitlist or offer, the reason for the decline is recorded. If a centre user updates the status to decline waitlist or decline offer, they provide a reason for the decline.
23. Why can I only see a masked BC number?
Centre Admins can only see masked BC numbers for privacy and security reasons. However, users with DAC/HQ roles have access to the full BC number because they need this information to upload data to the ECDA CMS Waitlist Management Module.