Managing multiple classes with customized coin deductions is now easier with our new enhancement.

Before creating the individual Class, a list of school programme is require to link accordingly to Class and Fee Items. 

Here's how you can create the list of programme.

Step 1: Head into Settings tab, scroll down to Programme

Step 2: Add in the list of Programme available in your school (i.e.: Art Program, Music Program)

1. You can create up to a maximum of ten (10) Programme

Step 3: Next, proceed to Admin page, create a new class by Add Class or select existing class and click Edit Class

Step 4: In class setting page, key in the relevant details (i.e.: Name, Level, Session, Class Type).

Then please select Yes for Coin based class; add in the respective Programme for the class; input the no of coins under Coin deduction per session. Click Save after details have been selected. 

Next, head into Finance tab to create Little Coin item and you will be ready to generate invoice based on the Programme. The number of coins will be deducted whenever Attendance is taken for the class.

Refer to the related article as below:

How to Create a Little Coin Item

How to Generate an Invoice for a Class/Student with Little Coin Package

Ways to Take a Coin (Attendance)