You can easily send the Send Reset Password Email to parents if they request for it. This allows parents to reset their Little Family Room account password instantaneously. 

Step 1: Login to your LittleLives account at

Step 2: Go to the Admin tab and select the Class Name where the child is in

Step 3: Head over to the Family tab and locate the Parent's account

Step 4: Click on the dropdown arrow button and select Send Reset Password Email

Step 5:  Click Confirm to proceed and send the reset password email to the selected Parent

Step 6: The reset password email has been sent the Parent.
              Click Ok to close the information pop up box.

a. Please ask the Parent to check his/her email inbox to reset the password accordingly.

b. Parent are to reset the password within 24 hours before the link expires.

Note: If it has been more than 24 hours, school staff are required to resend the Send Reset Password Email again to Parent.


Please note to the parents to create a password that:

  • Contains at least 8 characters.

  • Contains both lowercase and uppercase letters.

  • Contains a mixture of letters and numbers.

  • Includes at least one special character. E.g: @ ! $ ? ]